The First Fully Automatic Beer Dispenser

Our Story

We were at a football match and during the break we wanted a cup of cold beer – just like thousands of other fans. We queued at a beer stall with two beer taps. The people working the stall were fast, but not fast enough: The thirsty crowd, us included, was getting more and more impatient, since the halftime break is only 15 minutes, and the queue just kept getting longer!

During the long wait we wondered how we could optimize the wait time for our cold beer, while making the work easier for the beer stall staff. As engineers, we started by making a quick sketch of an automatic beer dispenser.

We worked on lots of ideas, had brilliant inspirations, we had quite a few trials and errors, but we didn’t give up.

After months of experimenting and testing we had the final product: Our fully automatic drought beer dispense system. We are very proud of it. We have sent it to several music festivals, football games in stadiums, pubs, beer gardens, concerts and other small and large events to test it. Our machines were tested in “hot” situations for months.

We are grateful for everyone who put our machine through its paces, because their critical feedback enabled us to put the finishing touch on our machine. We are also grateful for their positive feedback. We are extremely proud of our “baby” and we would love for you to become familiar with its capabilities and functionality.

It is simple, and meets the expectations expressed by people from event organizations: The beer dispenser should be low maintenance, light-weight, easy to use, fast and error free. We are convinced that we meet these expectations and we’d like to convince you of the same.

Don’t hesitate to contact us via email: or directly on our website: We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Technology. Effectiveness. Beer.

Revol Matic is the perfect automatic beer dispenser solution for larger events. Small, light, mobile, user friendly, and smart!

Our Tap Machine


Fully automatic tap machine

Smart Touch

Touchscreen to set speed and volume


Controllable with an app via smartphone or tablet


Small, light, mobile, user friendly

Contact us

13 + 11 =

Contact us

Our address

Bosaków 5A/87, 31-476 Kraków, Poland


+48 692 078 775


Email address

Europe Founding

Revolmatic Sp z o.o. realizes EU program GoToBrand, which focuses on the International promotion of Revolmatic brand in order to increase export capabilities.

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